Our cells are encapsulated by a layer of sugary molecules called glycans. These glycans can serve as molecular beacons for cells to facilitate communication with their environment. Studying glycans and decoding their messages can unlock new opportunities for the discovery of new biomarkers and new opportunities to treat disease. However, due to their unique characteristics, scientists have had limited tools to study glycans. We are harnessing the power of chemical biology to develop ciphering tools that can decode the language of glycans. These tools have led us to uncover with high precision how glycan messages are used to promote health or cause disease. This knowledge, in turn, is leading us to envision new ways to address human diseases.

Event Date
April 10, 2024 / 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


  • In-person
  • Virtual


  • Past

Event Type

  • Distinctive Voices


Mia Huang
Scripps Research

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