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Joerg Reichardt

Universität Würzburg / Würzburg University

Symposia Attended

  • 2009 German-American Frontiers

Research Interests


Research Statement

Complex Systems exhibit a range of most striking emergent, self-organized system wide phenomena. Life emerges from the interplay of many single molecules, consciousness and memory from a web of billions of neurons, or market crashes and bubbles from individually (seemingly) rational choices of single market participants. To understand these emergent phenomena, it is crucial to study the way individual constituents interact as the topology of their interactions is intimately linked to the dynamical behavior of these systems. The goal of my research is to study the architecture of the web of interactions in complex systems at an abstract level in search for universal structural patterns. From this, I hope to gain insights into generic function and universal characteristics of individual constituents again. I apply methods from statistical physics to solve the inherent inference problems. Short CV:
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