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Michael Prilla

Clausthal University of Technology Institute for Informatics Human Centered Information Systems

Symposia Attended

  • 2017 Japanese-American-German Frontiers

Research Statement

Michael Prilla is a professor for Human Centered Information Systems at Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany. He has written more than 100 research papers and book chapters. His research interest in on the design of usable and meaningful IT tools in times in which IT and the real world become more and more intertwined. This includes IT to support human cooperation, more specifically cooperative work in mixed and augmented reality as well as learning and reflection at work, and IT in healthcare environments. In his research, Michael uses an approach of socio-technical systems, which guides his work on the convergence of digital and physical interaction. He has published in the Communications of the ACM and in conferences such as ACM Group, ECIS and ECSCW. He is deputy chair of the German special interest group on CSCW and a member of the steering committee of the German SIG on human computer interaction. He serves on committees for conferences like ACM Group, CSCW, ECSCW and CHI.
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