The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress, signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.

The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.

The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.

The three Academies work together as the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation and conduct other activities to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions. The National Academies also encourage education and research, recognize outstanding contributions to knowledge, and increase public understanding in matters of science, engineering, and medicine.

NAS Favicon

National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
President: Marcia McNutt
Executive Officer: Kenneth R. Fulton



National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
President: John L. Anderson
Executive Officer: Alton D. Romig, Jr.



National Academy of Medicine (NAM)
President: Victor J. Dzau
Executive Officer: J. Michael McGinnis


National Research Council
Chair: Marcia McNutt
Vice Chair: John L. Anderson
Vice Chair: Victor J. Dzau
Chief Program Officer: Gregory Symmes

Program Divisions

Division on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (DBASSE)
Chair: Michael Hout
Executive Director: Carlotta M. Arthur

Division on Earth and Life Studies (DELS)
Chair: Catherine E. Woteki
Executive Director: Elizabeth Eide

Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (DEPS)
Chair: Julia M. Phillips
Executive Director: Tina Bahadori

Health and Medicine Divison (HMD)
Chair: Alan Leshner
Executive Director: Monica N. Feit

Division on Policy and Global Affairs (PGA)
Chair: Karen C. Seto
Executive Director: Vaughan Turekian

Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Division Chair: Chris T. Hendrickson
Executive Director: Victoria Sheehan

Gulf Research Program (GRP)
Chair: David E. Daniel
Executive Director: Lauren Alexander Augustine