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16th Annual U.S. Symposium

November 4-6, 2004
Irvine, California


 Aging and Cellular Senescence

Organizer: Sarah Woodson

Chair: Blanka Rogina, University of Connecticut Health Sciences Center
Aging and Cellular Senescence


Gordon Lithgow, The Buck Institute
A Simple Animal for a Complex Question; The Limits of a Microscopic Nematode’s Lifespan

Marc Tatar, Brown University
Endocrine Control of Aging

 Are the Ice Sheets Contributing to Sea Level Rise?

Organizer: Mary-Elena Carr

Chair: Ian Joughin, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Are the Ice Sheets Contributing to Sea Level Rise?


Christina Hulbe, Portland State University
Giant Ice Sheet Threatens Globe (Or Maybe Not):
Numerical Models As Tools For Understanding Ice Sheet Behavior

Sarah B. Das, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Are the Ice Sheets Contributing to Sea Level Rise?
Temporal Context, Time-Scales, and Clues Within the Ice

 Beyond Squish: The New Science of Colloids

Organizer: Bern Kohler

Chair: Sharon C. Glotzer, University of Michigan
From Squish to Self-Assembly: The New Science and Engineering of Colloids


David W. M. Marr, Colorado School of Mines
Colloids for Micro- and Nanotechnology

John C. Crocker, University of Pennsylvania

 Computational Analysis of Social Networks

Organizer: Avrim Blum

Chair: Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania
Computer Science, Economics and Networks


Duncan Watts, Columbia University
Networks, Search, and The Small-World Problem

Tim Roughgarden, University of California at Berkeley
Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy

 From Quarks to Cosmos

Organizer: Licia Verde

Chair: Vijay Balasubramanian, University of Pennsylvania
From Quarks to Cosmos


William H. Kinney, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Inflationary Universe

Laura Baudis, University of Florida
Underground Searches For Dark Matter Particles

 Life off Earth

Organizer: Josh Klein

Chair: Edwin Bergin, University of Michigan
Life Off Earth


Paul Butler, Carnegie Institute
Extrasolar Planets: The Next Decade

James Bell, Cornell University

 Origin of Language

Organizer: Stephanie White

Chair: Marco Iacoboni, University of California, Los Angeles
Origin of Language


Jianzhi George Zhang, University of Michigan
Evolutionary Genetics of Human Speech/Language Emergence

Amanda Miller-Ockhuizen, Cornell University
Evolutionary Advantages and Disadvantages of Click Consonants

 Tree of Life

Organizer: Cameron Currie

Chair: David M. Hillis, University of Texas, Austin
The Tree of Life


Maureen A. O’Leary, Stony Brook University

Bret Larget, University of Wisconsin at Madison
The Challenge of Estimating the Tree of Life from Molecular Data


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