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24th Annual U.S. Symposium

November 2-4, 2012
Irvine, California


 Big Data Science: The Algorithmic Advances that Lie Underneath

Organizer: Alison Adcock, Duke University

Big Data: Analysis Algorithms
Alexander Gray, Georgia Institute of Technology

Approximate Computation and Implicit Regularization for Very Large-scale Data Analysis
Michael Mahoney, Stanford University

The Efficient and Effective Transmission, Storage, and Retrieval of Information on a Large-Scale are Among the Core Technical Problems in the Modern Digital Revolution
Anna Gilbert, University of Michigan

 Diversity of Planetary Systems

Organizer: Eliza Kempton, University of California, Santa Cruz

An Exoplanet Overview
John Johnson, California Institute of Technology

Is the Solar System Rare?
Dan Fabrycky, University of Chicago

Origins of Structure in Planetary Systems
Ruth Murray-Clay, Harvard University

 Geoengineering – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Organizer: Kay Bidle, Rutgers University and Lee Cerveny, U.S. Forest Service

The Role of Geoengineering among Climate Strategies
Bob Kopp, Rutgers University


Solar Geoengineering: The good, the bad, and the ugly from a physical science perspective
Kate Ricke, Stanford University

Solar Geoengineering: International and Intergenerational Equity – An Economic Perspective
Juan Moreno-Cruz, Georgia Institute of Technology

 Neurostimulation as a tool for Basic Science and Medicine

Organizer: Alison Adcock, Duke University


Optogenetics: Molecular and Optical Axes of Control
Feng Zhang, Broad Institute


From Correlation to Causation: Insights and Novel Therapeutic Opportunities Using Neurostimulation and Neuroimaging in Humans
Amit Etkin, Stanford School of Medicine

Dissecting the Neural Circuits Mediating Anxiety
Kay Tye, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory

 Next Generation Batteries for Energy Storage

Organizer: Jeffry Pyun, University of Arizona

Next Generation Batteries for Energy Storage
Shirley Meng, University of California, San Diego

Advanced Materials for Energy Storage: Challenges And Opportunities
Keith Stevenson, University of Texas at Austin

Electrochemical Energy Storage
Yang Shao-Horn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

 Of Both Mice and Men – Humanized Mice

Organizer: Clodagh O’Shea, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Of both Mice and Men: Humanized mice
Kristin Baldwin, Scripps Research Institute


Human Liver Chimeric Mice in Biomedical Research
Karl-Dimiter Bissig, Baylor College of Medicine

Genetic Basis of Humanness: Determining the Role of Hominoid-Specific and Human-Specific Gene Duplications during Brain Development
Franck Polleux, Scripps Research Institute

 Science Communication

Organizer: Edward Patte, National Academy of Sciences

The Brave New World of Science Communication: Why Ignoring Empirical Social Science Increasingly Undermines Scientific Progress
Dietram A. Scheufele, University of Wisconsin—Madison


Science Communication in the Online World: Challenges and Opportunities
Dominique Brossard, University of Wisconsin—Madison

From Public Engagement to Engagement of Publics: Rethinking Models of Citizen Participation in Science Policy Decisions
Andrew R. Binder, North Carolina State University

 Synthetic Biology

Organizer: Clodagh O’Shea, The Salk Institute for Biological Sciences and Kay Bidle, Rutgers University

CHAIR: Xiaokun Shu, University of California, San Francisco


Engineered Gene Circuits: From Oscillators to Synchronized Clocks and Biopixels
Jeff Hasty, University of California, San Diego

Aliens, Computers and the Bio-Economy
Drew Endy, Stanford University

 The Higgs and Beyond

Organizer: Hartmut Haeffner, University of California, Berkeley

The Higgs and Beyond
Beate Heinemann, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


An experimental discovery in the search for the Higgs boson
Ben Kilminster Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Higgs and Hierarchies
Jesse Thaler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium is sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences. Major support is provided by the Kavli Foundation, with additional funding from the National Academy of Sciences.

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