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Vision: From Photon to Perception

Organized by John Dowling, Lubert Stryer, and Torsten Wiesel

May 20-22, 1995
Irvine, CA

Organized by John Dowling, Lubert Stryer (Chair) and Torsten Wiesel

Opening Lecture
David Hubel, Harvard Medical School

Session One: From Photon to Nerve Signal
Lubert Stryer, Stanford University, Chair

How Photons Start Vision
Denis Baylor, Stanford University

Theme and Variation: Invertebrate and Vertebrate Phototransduction
Charles Zuker, University of California, San Diego

Molecular Genetics of Color Vision
Jeremy Nathans, Johns Hopkins University

Session Two: Development and Circuitry
John Dowling, Harvard University, Chair

Determination of Retinal Cell Fate
Constance Cepko, Harvard University

Emergence of Order in Visual System Development
Carla J. Shatz, University of California, Berkeley

Retinal Circuitry of Color Vision
Dennis Dacey, University of Washington

The Language of the Retina
Markus Meister, Harvard University

Session Three: Representation and Perception
Francis Crick, Salk Institute, Chair

Dynamic Properties of the Adult Visual Cortex
Charles D. Gilbert, Rockefeller University

Motion Perception: Seeing and Deciding
William Newsome, Stanford University

Visual Surface Representation
Ken Nakayama, Harvard University

Chair: Marc Chabre, CNRS Institut, Nice, France Amplification in Vision
Chair: Anthony Movshon, New York University Computational Models of Visual Processing

Closing Lecture
Torsten Wiesel, Rockefeller University

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