US–UK Scientific Forum on Sustainable Energy

March 17-18, 2021
Virtual Forum

Click here for agenda

Click here for participant list

Click here for report

The presumption for the Forum is that the future electricity system will be supplied largely (>70%) by variable, renewable generation, which will require short, medium and long-term energy storage to ensure stability and continuation of electricity supply. The Forum will consider the wider energy system only where this impacts energy storage in a future electricity system (e.g. EV to grid).


Chris Llewellyn Smith, event co-chair

Steve Koonin, event co-chair

Outline of the US/UK electricity systems and the current research and demonstration programmes to decarbonise them

UK and US electricity systems: the basics - Dermot Nolan 

Electrical storage in support of the grid - Patricia Hoffman 

UKRI’s contribution to decarbonising the energy system - Lynn Gladden 

Reliable decarbonised future US electricity systems - Nate Lewis 

Panel Members:

Lucy Martin, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Patricia Hoffman, US Department of Energy

Nate Lewis, California Institute of Technology

Dermot Nolan, Fingleton

PLENARY SESSION 1 – Managing a high renewables grid Chair: Steve Koonin, National Academy of Sciences

The Evolving Grid - Patrick Hogan 

Assessing the need for future energy storage - Tony Roulstone 

Panel Members:

Ana Barillas, Aurora Energy

Professor Joseph DeCarolis, NC State University

Paul Denholm, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Patrick Hogan, Utility Technology Solutions

Tony Roulstone, University of Cambridge

Marcus Stewart, National Grid

PLENARY SESSION 2 - Storage Technologies I Chair: Clare Grey, University of Cambridge

Batteries and electrochemical storage

Li and Na-ion batteries for grid scale energy storage - Peter Bruce 

Batteries for a zero-carbon grid: present status and opportunities - Venkat Srinivasan 

Panel Members:

Nigel Brandon, Imperial College

Peter Bruce, Faraday Institute & University of Oxford

Professor Steve Davis, University of California

Steve Davis, University of California, Irvine

Venkat Srinivasan, Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science

PLENARY SESSION 2 - Storage Technologies I, cont. Chair: Steve Koonin, National Academy of Sciences

Alternative energy storage methods

Thermal Energy Storage for a net-zero future - Yulong Ding 

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES): Executive overview - Robert Schainker 

Panel Members:

Yulong Ding, University of Birmingham

Phil Eames, Loughborough University

James Klausner, Michigan State University

Robert Schainker, Electric Power Research Institute

PLENARY SESSION 3 - Storage technologies II Chair: Bill David, University of Oxford

Hydrogen & Ammonia Production

Cost reduction of large scale electrolysis for energy applications - Katherine Ayers 

Ammonia: a pathway to market - Trevor Brown 

Panel Members:

Katherine Ayers, Nel Hydrogen US

Trevor Brown, Ammonia Energy Association

Paul Chirik, Princeton University

Deborah Jones, University of Montpellier

Thomas Mallouk, University of Pennsylvania

Marcus Newborough, ITM Power

Hydrogen & Ammonia Utilisation

Decarbonising our energy ecosystem with gas turbines - Jeffrey Goldmeer 

Future fuels and fuel cells - Mark Selby 

Panel Members:

Sally Benson, Stanford University

Jeffrey Goldmeer, General Electric Gas Power

Anthony McDaniel, Sandia National Laboratories

Jane Patterson, Ricardo UK

Mark Selby, Ceres Power

Rob Stevens, Yara

Policy issues relating to technology introduction

Cameron Hepburn, University of Oxford

Judith Judson, National Grid

Mike Muskett, Technical Consultant

PLENARY SESSION 4 - Closing discussion

Reflections from meeting

Concluding remarks

Steve Koonin, event co-chair

Chris Llewellyn Smith FRS, event co-chair

Paul Monks, UK Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

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