
Baldwyn Torto is Principal Scientist and Head of Behavioural and Chemical Ecology Unit, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya, and Extraordinary Professor, Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, South Africa. He earned his BSc with honors in chemistry and biochemistry, MSc and PhD degrees in organic chemistry, all from the University of Ghana, and postdoctoral in organic chemistry at the University of Maine, Orono, USA. He is a Fellow of the Entomological Society of America, African Academy of Sciences, a member of the American Chemical Society, and an International Member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Awards include 2020 icipe@50 Achievement Award for Scientific Excellence; 2020 Entomological Society of America Nan-Yao Su Award for Innovation and Creativity in Entomology; 2019 Louis Malassis International Prize for Food and Agriculture for Outstanding Career in Agricultural Development, Agropolis Foundation, France; 2018 Journal Article of the Year and Lecture Award, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (AGRO-Division, American Chemical Society), and a Rothamsted International Fellow in 2000. He has been President of the Board of Trustees, JRS Biodiversity Foundation, US

Research Interests

Baldwyn’s research seeks to elucidate chemical communication via multi-disciplinary approaches on arthropods that comprise beneficial insects, agricultural pests and disease vectors, and the development of biorational-based tools for their management for improved food, health and nutritional security. His studies involve identification of behavior-modifying chemicals (semiochemicals) that mediate intra- and inter-species interactions and critical biologic processes of arthropods, and the role of microbes in these interactions. Currently, he is working on developing lures for monitoring populations of invasive pest species that threaten global food security. For vectors of malaria, leishmaniasis and arboviral diseases such as dengue and Rift Valley fever, his studies on identification of novel semiochemicals from non-traditional hosts may contribute to development of improved trapping technologies for both vector control and surveillance to combat threats posed by these diseases. Additional research includes discovery of novel arboviruses that could emerge to pose public and veterinary health risks.

Membership Type

International Member

Election Year


Primary Section

Section 61: Animal, Nutritional, and Applied Microbial Sciences