Research Interests
As a condensed-matter physicist, I have spent most of my career in industrial laboratories. I have specialized in the measurement of the optical properties of materials, surfaces, and interfaces; their interpretation in terms of microscopic processes; and their application to advanced technology. One example is the use of effective medium theories in evaluating microstructural properties of deposited thin films. A current example is the use of reflectance-difference spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry in the elucidation and control of epitaxial growth of semiconductor materials. A second current project is the analysis of silicon-dielectric interfaces, as investigated by the above, and by nonlinear optical techniques. I am also interested in mathematical methods of analysis, for example, virtual-interface theory and extending Fourier methods to the analysis of optical data. Finally, I am also interested in developing approaches to teaching topics such as classical electrodynamics to students who must now be highly flexible in their careers.
Membership Type
Election Year
Primary Section
Section 33: Applied Physical Sciences
Secondary Section
Section 13: Physics