
Born on February 21, 1950 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) (US citizen, 2006). Licenciado en Física (Msc Physics) University of Buenos Aires (1973). Ph in Physics, Stanford University (1979). Postdoc University of Illinois (1979-1981). On the Physics faculty of the University of Illinois since 1981. Donald Biggar Willett Professor of Physics (University of Illinois). Director, Institute of Condensed Matter Theory. Member of the NAS since 2013. Fellow of the American Physical Society, of the American Academy of Arts and Science, of the National Academy of Science of Argentina (Córdoba), and of the Academy of Science of Latin America.
a fellow of the John Simon Memorial Guggenheim Foundation in 1988.

Research Interests

I am a condensed matter theorist. I have worked in gauge theory, in the theory of the quantum Hall effects, on high temperature superconductors, and on topological states of matter.

Membership Type


Election Year


Primary Section

Section 13: Physics

Secondary Section

Section 33: Applied Physical Sciences