
Prof. Incandela received his PhD in Physics from University of Chicago searching for magnetic monopoles. In 1987 on the UA2 experiment as CERN Fellow he contributed to the first precise measurements of the W and Z boson masses and led a charged Higgs boson search before moving to Fermilab as a Wilson Fellow and later Staff Scientist before joining UC Santa Barbara. He led the SVX’ silicon detector project for the CDF experiment and used it to get the largest contribution (4.1 sigma) to the top quark discovery. He then led the construction of silicon detectors used for the first observation of Bs mixing. Stating in 1997 Incandela joined the CMS experiment at CERN and led the production of ~125 sq m of silicon detectors for the particle tracker. He was involved in searches for the Higgs and particles associated with Dark Matter/SUSY. He was then deputy physics coordinator for first data, Deputy Spokesperson for the start of the Higgs search and head of CMS for the discovery of the Higgs, which he announced on July 4, 2012. Incandela is a co-recipient of the Fundamental Physics Prize. He is currently the Vice Chancellor for Research at UC Santa Barbara.

Research Interests

Incandela is currently searching for Supersymmetric particles on the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC with emphasis on processes that would involved strong candidates for dark matter. He is also involved in the Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) at SLAC which will search for dark matter in the mass range from below that of the electron up to the light quarks found in stable matter. This mass range has not been previously explored but will be comprehensively covered by the LDMX experiment in the late 20's.

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Section 13: Physics