Leo Kouwenhoven is an experimental physicist with most of his career at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) in the field of nanotechnology and quantum science. His group was the first to discover signatures of the Majorana quasi-particle in a solid state nanodevice (2012). His current interest is to demonstrate that these Majoranas obey non-Abelian statistics and investigate their use as building blocks in quantum computation. Earlier work included quantum point contacts, Coulomb blockade, quantum dots, Kondo effect, Carbon nanotubes and spin qubits. Kouwenhoven is founder of the QuTech institute (, 2013) where academic physicists, computer scientists and electrical engineers collaborate with industry on building a scalable quantum internet and a quantum computer. Kouwenhoven was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California at Berkeley and a visiting professor at Harvard. Kouwenhoven is member of the Dutch Academy of Science and was awarded the Dutch Spinoza Award (2007) and Knighted (Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, 2014). More information at
Research Interests
Leo Kouwenhoven, current interest is to demonstrate that these Majoranas obey non-Abelian statistics and investigate their use as building blocks in quantum computation.
Membership Type
International Member
Election Year
Primary Section
Section 33: Applied Physical Sciences