
Susan Brantley is Distinguished Professor of Geosciences and Director of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at the Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pennsylvania. Dr. Brantley is an aqueous geochemist recognized for her work on water-rock interaction. She is known particularly for her studies on geochemical kinetics, critical zone science, and water quality related to oil and gas development. Dr. Brantley was born in Winter Park, Florida, and grew up in Rochester, New York. She graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, Princeton New Jersey in 1980 with a degree in chemistry and from Princeton University in 1983 with an A.B. and in 1987 with a PhD, both in Geological and Geophysical Sciences. She joined the faculty at Penn State, University Park, in 1986. She has been president of the Geochemical Society, a member of the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Research Interests

Dr. Brantley's group investigates chemical, physical, and biological processes associated with the circulation of aqueous fluids in shallow hydrogeologic settings. Her studies have encompassed measurements of water-rock-biota interaction, geomicrobiology, measurement of the kinetics of dissolution and precipitation of minerals in the laboratory and in the field, surface chemistry of minerals, environmental water problems related to hydraulic fracturing, and soil and groundwater biogeochemistry.

Membership Type


Election Year


Primary Section

Section 15: Geology